Tag Archives: wedding planning

  • The Wedding Planner’s HQ – Redecorating

        It was about time to apply a facelift for this wedding planner’s office!   These days, whenever my job permits it, I am very busy redecorating my office. Oh, and I just absolutely love it! You know why? I can run wild with ideas on interior design – how cool is that? Whenever you dear brides and grooms, dear partners from the wedding industry, talk to me over the phone, over skype or we exchange emails, is it from this holy commanding center. This is the place where we exchange ideas, build and develop your wedding.    Well, it normally doesn’t look exactly like this. Usually my computer is not covered with a plastic foil. Also, you won’t find as much debris from ripped off wallpaper laying on the floor. But this is where I plan your weddings, create and write concepts for you until my head smokes. This is where I pile on boxes after boxes of decoration in the pre-wedding-phase. Often times, I admit, my office does not look as chic and neat like you would probably picture a wedding planners office to be. Oftentimes there is hardly any room left for all the swaches, fabrics, Inspiration-buys, and all the other stuff that makes my heart sing. Most of the time stuff is piled on high that I need for my work. But I just looove this office as well as its romantic and soothing view. Whenever I can’t think anymore – I look out the huge window (to my left) unto the woods and a creak – to sort my thoughts. What else does a busy wedding planer need, right?!   As soon as I have finished up this place I’ll share an update right here. I am so looking forward to having my space [...]

  • Upcoming Wedding Congress: Meet – Inspire – Create!

        „The European Wedding Congress, where wedding professionals meet, inspire and create!“   The above claim you will read when visiting the website oft the European Wedding Congress (EWC). Promising, right? I had the privilege of attending the last congress in the spring of 2012 and I will definitely be going this time for the sole reason: the claim keeps its promise!   The congress has been instrumental in me taking my business as a wedding co-ordinator and designer a big step further. I was challenged in my thinking about the wedding business as such, readjusting for the better. I was encouraged to make sure I pursue my own individual style and I was affirmed in many aspects of my work. Now and then, I still go over my notes to make sure I have implemented everything I had decided to do. Hearing from long term successful professionals how they mastered their challenges, and being able to pick their brain was truly invaluable to me. There is something very inspiring when passionate professionals meet and share on eye-level. Even if you are not a wedding designer, a photographer or into graphics, we are all part of the wedding industry and therefore share many of the same business related issues.    This year’s European Wedding Congress is held at Kasteel de Hooge Vuursche, Baarn, NL on March 18th and 19th. With these inspirational speakers: Mike Larson, Jana Williams, Lawrence Chan and Vanessa van Wieren of Alchemy Fine Events. I encourage you to register still today and promise, you will not regret it.   Can’t wait to meet you there!  Yours,       Fotos: Anouschka Rockebrand      

  • Come and Visit!

      February 23rd, 2014 from 11am to 5pm Schloss Benrath / East Wing Benrather Schlossallee 100 – 106, Düsseldorf   This time – our premiere – we are part of the “Bube Dame Herz” wedding fair in the wonderful Schloss Benrath in Duesseldorf. This is the very first fair altogether at this luxurious venue. By the way, this wedding location is still a very hot tip for weddings in and around Duesseldorf.    One of the important things you can find out at a wedding fair is the following:  the personality and service behind a wedding vendor. Spending a little bit of time talking to the professionals, you will soon find out who the right partner for your wedding celebration is. Our selected vendors love to take time for a personal consultation. Please feel free to schedule an on site appointment with us already prior to the fair. For this you can use our contact page or drop us a mail: irina@thiessenweddings.com.   In between getting to know our many superb vendors you are invited to relax in our café and take in the beautiful and inspiring wedding decorations. And while we pamper you with live music and treats, you can start dreaming of your wedding day – maybe even at exactly that wedding location.   A list of all the exhibitors as well as more information about the fair you can find here    Do stop by, we’re looking forward to meeting you!    

  • Life is live!

          Life is live! How do you best start the New Year? Should new grand plans and bold New Year’s resolutions be the priority? Or is it more appropriate to start with a review of the past in order to be able to formulate not just a new but hopefully a more wise plan for the 365 days ahead? I have been thinking about this a lot. At this time of year we come across various guides on how to improve on business or private life. Now don’t get me wrong, I think self improvement books and articles certainly are often a huge help. But as for me, I currently find myself in a position where I actually don’t look for any new and fancy plan. The issue that stands out the most and which I consider one of the greatest blessings as well as one of the greatest challenges in life is the unexpected – the things we cannot plan.   We usually plan and try to foresee any possible twists and turns that might come our way in order to be fully prepared. But then life takes a turn, hands us a beautiful surprise or out of the blue confronts us with the greatest challenge we have ever faced. Suddenly our carefully thought through Plan A, B or even C will just not work. Situations like these are not easy to deal with. To highlight the unexpected might therefore sound a bit odd coming from me – whose profession in part relies on meticulous planning and careful foresight. And I must admit, I can be a bit of a control freak at times. But I bow to the fact that “life is live” – that’s an unavoidable truth! I am so thankful that I don’t know and [...]

  • Finally – I could hardly wait any longer!

      Tadaaaa: Irina Thiessen Weddings!   I welcome all of you – old and new friends alike! Finally, I have the special privilege to present you with my new brand and thus with a new homepage. I am very very glad to not just have started this process but also, puuuuhhhh, to have seen it through!   The question you might ask yourself probably starts with a “Why.” Why did I change the brand name and the whole look of my page? Well let me tell you. The decision was not easy to make and the whole process somehow not easy to accomplish. I was aware of the fact, that I might loose some things I had accomplished within the last couple of years. A couple of years have passed since I first appeard on the radar of the wedding industry with my previous firm (emotions & events). Since then I have learned some very valuable lessons. Now I am more convinced than ever before that it is of utmost importance to me, to have my customers understand my passion from the very first moment they set foot on my website. I want everyone to exactly understand what we are about and how we do business. And of course I spoke to many professionals about my concerns. Their advice was very clear: you are your brand. So the decision was made. We now have a new face, dress and name, but … our core passion has not changed. We are still passionately committed to work hard in making sure you get a first-class wedding – the one you always dreamed of. To make sure the event is created in your interest and with your uniqueness in mind and to build that special memory with you together, that is what we stand [...]